[OSGeo-Discuss] Plans underway for MapWindow 2012 w/ OSGeo DotNet and FOSS4G-NL

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Nov 25 08:24:44 EST 2011

Hell Dan,

Thanks for the update on MapWindow.

One question I have about MapWindow is if there is plans for 
incorporating and updating the 'MapServer export' tool, similar to how 
QGIS includes this by default now, as part of their installer.

Thanks for your work on this.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-11-25 1:18 AM, Daniel P. Ames wrote:
> Hi all,
> The MapWindow and DotSpatial teams are working with some SharpMap and
> others in the OSGeo DotNet world to hold a FOSS4G mini-conference in
> Arnhem, The Netherlands in June 2012.
> We are making progress... so far we have a date, venue, and banner... :)
> (see http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2012/coming.php)
> Paul Meems of TopX Consulting, Groningen, The Netherlands is leading the
> effort and we are seeking anyone who would like to help us organize this
> (especially you .NL people).
> Please let us know!
> Thanks,
> - Dan

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