[OSGeo-Discuss] new release: ILWIS 3.8 beta 2

Ann Hitchcock a.hitchcock at 52north.org
Wed Nov 2 05:57:23 PDT 2011

Dear List,


The ILWIS community announces a new beta release of ILWIS 3.8. The main
focus of this version continues to be visualization and the bulk of the
changes can be found there. There are additional significant changes
concerning base maps, color composites and Hovmoller diagrams to name a few.
For more details, please check the Change log
(http://52north.org/communities/ilwis/changelog) and the blog


Download ILWIS 3.8. beta2 here:


ILWIS website: http://52north.org/communities/ilwis/

public mailing list: http://list.52north.org/mailman/listinfo/ilwis

forum: http://ilwis.forum.52north.org/


best regards,

Ann Hitchcock


Ann Hitchcock

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24

48155 Muenster, Germany


tel. +49 (0)251 396371 -0

fax: +49 (0)251 396371 -11


a.hitchcock at 52north.org



General Managers:

Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk

Local Court Muenster HRB 10849


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