[OSGeo-Discuss] Massimo Di Stefano Charter Membership nomination

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Wed Nov 9 06:53:23 PST 2011

I'd like to nominate Massimo Di Stefano for OSGeo charter membership.

Massimo has been an active contributor and integrator of OSGeo projects.  He participated in the Google Summer of Code project as a student developer for OSSIM and later acted as a mentor for another gsoc project.  He helped set up the OSGeo booth and manned it during the OSGeo/foss4g conference in Denver.  He is a very energetic, enthusiastic promoter of our projects.

Mark Lucas
Principal Scientist

516 E New Haven Avenue
Melbourne Fl 32901

(321) 266 1475 (cell)
(321) 473-4309 (office)

mlucas at radiantblue.com


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