[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member nomination

Ravi Kumar ravivundavalli48 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 13 22:33:15 PST 2011

It is a pleasure to nominate G.Hanumantha Rao a Scientist of Indian Space organisation (NRSC Hyderabad).

G.Hanumantha Rao is a very active supporter of OSGeo and is one of the founding members of OSGeo India.
Being pivotal in scheduling meetings of OSGeo India during the formative years, he has added OSGeo India with many active members.
He encouraged use of FOSS4G tools resulting in 'Bhuvan' an application for Indian scenes. He is among the front-runners
of Indian space applications with decades of experience. 

Voting for G.Hanumantha Rao will see a dedicated space scientist, among the lot of OSGeo Charter members.

G.Hanumantha Rao's Email id: hanumantharao_g at nrsc.gov.in

Ravi Kumar
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