[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSs4G + SoTM

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Wed Nov 16 15:49:41 PST 2011

ok -ok :)

thx for the reply..

because i just got a lot of "OSM" in last FOSS4G Tokyo..

and got the SoTM name there...

will next year, also FOSS4G with SotM again..

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Tyler Mitchell <tmitchell at osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi Frans,
> It seemed to be a coincidence that SOTM also chose the same
> location that FOSS4G had planned for.  Both groups helped
> advertise both events, but there was no more collaboration
> beyond that really.  Just friends meeting friends and staying
> longer in Denver :)
> Best wishes,
> Tyler
> On 2011-11-16, at 3:32 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:
> > hi all
> >
> > after see FOSS4G Tokyo
> >
> > I am planning to create FOSS4G Indonesia...
> >
> > but i see in denver, there are SoTM..
> >
> > i see OSM is using Mapnik, and it is not part of OSGeo..
> >
> > any glue all...
> >
> > what is relation between SoTM with FOSS4G
> >
> > because held in same day
> > --
> > Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
> > Chief of Advisory
> > Meruvian.
> > Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
> >
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> >
> > "We grow because we share the same belief."
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