[OSGeo-Discuss] Open GIS Overview

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Sun Oct 2 02:25:26 PDT 2011

Hi Carsten,
Some years ago I made this graphic to illustrate that, including a legend: http://eos.geocat.net/download/SDI-Architecture.pdf (to big for inclusion in the email)
Although there are a few outdated and a few new components around today (OpenLayers is not yet listed in thin-clients for example), I think it is still a good starting point. I'm sure others have made more recent versions also.
Kind regards,

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Jeroen Ticheler
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On 2 okt. 2011, at 09:47, Carsten Troelsgaard wrote:

> Can anyone point me to a sort of OpenGis Overview .. 
> anything that can support me in choosing which GIS-tool/s is best suited for a particular problem and what sort of problems the available GIS-tools best tackles?
> I have a strong interest in general GIS, and a very limited user-experience .. but that will be the situation of meny new potential GIS-users. I'm confused as to what tools to take a focus on, in preparation for taking on a 'real' but undefined geo-related problem.
> I'm not sure weather the following keywords covers all importent components that a minimum workable GIS setup contains:
> Client, Server, Data, Network   
> If these suffice then .. would it be possible to map some of the most important (or all) OpenGIS acronyms to these 4 basic components? .. I'm not sure that it will solve the problem of overview since a confined programmable consept that a 'module' constitute may not conform.
> I'm trying to get a glimps of the elefant but only find potential snouts, tails, knees ... That's atleast what I feel. 
> Would it be possible to pull a KIS? (design-principle for 'keep it simple").
> Feel free to smile and think "ah, .. another one that doesn't want to do his homework!" 
> ....
> CarstenT
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