[OSGeo-Discuss] geological maps

Sylvain Maillard sylvain.maillard at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 02:42:23 PDT 2011


for geological data in France, you will have to work with data from the BRGM
agency ... there is a website with online maps (
http://infoterre.brgm.fr/viewer/), and also a WMS access (

the website is in french, and I didn't find a way to have it translated in
an other language ... they say that all the data are public data that are
freely available, but if you want to use them for a publication or to sell
the resulting maps, I think it would be better to ask the brgm about what is
possible to do ...


2011/10/21 marco.donnini at tiscali.it <marco.donnini at tiscali.it>

> Hallo,
> I'm searching geological maps at small scale (like 1:1.250.000,
> for large areas) for Austria, Croatia, France, Germany and Slovenia.
> For Italy I have found this [1] and it exists also in *shp format.
> I
> would like to realize a semplified map of Alps so I would like to start
> from geological map of each nations.
> Thank you very much
> Marco
> [1]
> http://www.apat.gov.it/site/it-IT/Progetti/Nuova_Carta_Geologica_d%
> 27Italia_alla_scala_1a_1250000
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