[OSGeo-Discuss] Tips for running FOSS4G

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 19:03:18 EDT 2011

A few hints for you from our FOSS4G 2009 experience:

One thing we didn't get working very well in 2009, but which you might 
have more success with is collecting metrics are about how good 
different presentations are. (This would be really useful for following 
years in selecting presentations.)
Can each presentation finish with reference to a webpage, where audience 
immediately spends 1 minute filling in an evaluation, covering something 

1. The presentation just attended. (Presenter, Time, Date), probably 
from a pull down list
2. Ranking how good/interesting the presentation was, sliced a couple of 
ways: (Content, Style of presenter)
3. Profile the person doing the ranking: (Developer, Technical User, 
Manager, Other)
4. Guess number of people in the room: 10, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000


You will probably find that all slides for the conference are collected 
by staff of the PCO as they  register to present. It will probably be 
put into a directory like:
Presentations/Monday/0900/Joe Blogs.ppt

What I strongly urge you request from the staff as they collect this 
material is that they also provide a URL to the abstract already on your 
website, or alternatively, an Id, so that you can easily automatically 
generate a link from abstract -> presentation.


I also strongly suggest that you ask (not mandate) all presenters to 
sign a confirmation that they are ok with their material being made 
public on the website under a Creative Commons licence. Strongly 
recommend they select either CC-By-SA or CC-By.

The reason being that it is easy to collect this as it comes in, but 
much harder to collect retrospectively. It also gives you the permission 
required to publish other people's content.

On 05/09/11 04:10, Peter Batty wrote:
> Hi Steve, have just been having another conversation on this.
> We (FOSS4G) are planning to have handouts for the workshops but not 
> regular presentations. If you want to do something yourself that's 
> fine but my inclination would be to put something online.
> We will be recording presentations (slides plus audio) using FOSSLC 
> and will have those online afterwards. We also plan to have a way to 
> put slides (or handouts) online, we're just discussing a couple of 
> options and will let you know what we decide shortly.
> If you have any other questions let me know.
> Cheers,
>     Peter.
> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Stephen Woodbridge 
> <woodbri at swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>> wrote:
>     Does anyone know what the process is for handouts for FOSS4G
>     presentations? Is the conference making copies for the audience?
>     Do the presenters need to make copies? How do we know how many to
>     make if we need to do this?
>     Is the conference collecting presentations to put online or to
>     publish? Who should we get the presentation to? in what format? by
>     when?
>     Sorry if this info has been already published somewhere, but I do
>     not remember see it so a pointer to it would be good.
>     Thanks,
>      Steve W
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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