[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Aug 8 06:30:00 PDT 2012

Very interesting idea put forth by Barry.
Would be great to see involvement from Local Chapters
so that the Atlas could present contents other languages too.

BTW, a Japanese company received "Good Design Award" for
its maps that were prepared using  FOSS4G tools some years ago
(See http://www.g-mark.org/award/detail.php?id=35961 in

Also, I see a whole bunch of great maps using French opendata and FOSS4G
technologies at http://opendata.mapmint.com/public/france



On 2012/08/06 2:05, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> For all those interested in the atlas project, I've started up a github site:
> https://github.com/barryrowlingson/osgeoatlas
> The .tex file there isn't compilable as it stands because the included
> map.pdf files aren't included, they are kinda large and I didn't want
> to clog the repo up with them. Maybe I could. Anyway.
> In the downloads is a compiled pdf - it uses the latex-tufte style and
> looks quite lovely. If only the maps were, I just did a couple of
> quick print composers in Qgis as proof-of-concept. They won't make the
> final cut.
> Please add comments and ideas as issues on the github tracker.
> Barry
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