[OSGeo-Discuss] Gauss-Kruger Slovenia

marco.donnini at tiscali.it marco.donnini at tiscali.it
Tue Aug 28 00:58:24 PDT 2012


I have some geographical data of Slovenia, the coordinate 
system is Gauss-Kruger.

Looking to the link [1] I suppouse that we are 
in Zone 5. 

In QGIS I see 
EPSG 2168 [Pulkovo 1942(83) / Gauss Kruger 
zone 5 (deprecated)]
but it doesn't work..

Moreover looking to the 
link [2] I see that the False Easting is 5500000.000000 but I have data 
smallest than 5500000.000000

Someone have some information about the 
Gauss-Kruger? About, for example EPSG code?

Thank you very much

[1] http://spatial-analyst.net/wiki/index.php?

[2] http://spatial-analyst.

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