[OSGeo-Discuss] Croatian public procurement process visualisations

Dražen Odobašić dodobas at geoinfo.geof.hr
Thu Feb 16 01:58:31 PST 2012

Hi ,

we've recently published maps of Croatian public procurement process
[1]. Project is available only in Croatian language, but there is more
about the data liberation process in English [2].

For this project we used really nice MapBox technology stack, TileMill
and TileStream with PostGIS database and Leaflet JS client library.


[1] http://nabava.geoinfo.geof.hr/

Dražen Odobašić, dipl.ing.surv.
Junior researcher, Department of Geoinformation Science
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb
Direct: +385 1 4639369
Mobile: +385 98 790379
e-mail/jabber: dodobas at geoinfo.geof.hr
               dodobasic at gmail.com

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