[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: [Board] Fwd: Request for your endorsement of GIS Amicus Letter re: Sierra Club v Orange County

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Sat Jan 21 10:29:13 PST 2012

I'm covering this for the Board, and in the next few days I will be putting out a formal motion for OSGeo to endorse it.




From: board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of David William Bitner
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 4:50 AM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Cc: OSGeo-Board List
Subject: [Board] Fwd: Request for your endorsement of GIS Amicus Letter re: Sierra Club v Orange County


Dear OSGeo friends,


As has been discussed earlier on this list, the Sierra Club's case against Orange County to try to open up county parcel basemap data under California data practices laws is heading to the CA Supreme Court. Bruce Joffe has drafted an Amicus Letter in support of the Sierra Club. I encourage the GIS professionals on this list to consider individual support of this effort and ask the Board to consider signing this letter as an organization.


Thank you,


David Bitner

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Joffe <GIS.Consultants at joffes.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Request for your endorsement of GIS Amicus Letter re: Sierra Club v Orange County
To: apayne at wakegov.com, Bill.Moore at townofcary.org, bitner at dbspatial.com, BrannJ at co.thurston.wa.us, bspatial at together.net, Chris.Woodward at state.co.us, chrisz at zwebdesign.com, chuck.drinnan at ewam-associates.com, Craig.Parada at sbcglobal.net, CWolff at dhs.ca.gov, DianaM at ci.fullerton.ca.us, dmurray at ci.westminster.co.us, etp at msi.ic.ucsb.edu, gis at onda.org, haydee.dabritz at cdph.ca.gov, jsackett at selcnc.org, jwhite5 at stanford.edu, lar at calmail.berkeley.edu, lar at berkeley.edu, lblake at ksninc.com, sunburned.surveyor at redefinedhorizons.com, Leanne.Lestak at colorado.edu, leebenda at earthsystems.net, lilli at prev.org

Dear Friends,
        You have been stalwart supporters, advocating for our principles on this important issue of vital concern to our GIS community.  I thank you for sending me your pre-endorsement of this GIS Amicus Letter, and hope you will now co-sign this version as an individual, and perhaps also representing your own organization. 

        You may pass this request along to other potential supporters.
Thank you,

Dear Colleague,

I'm sure you know that Sierra Club is in the final phase of contest against Orange County for access to its GIS-compatible parcel basemap.  This case will determine the applicability of the CA Public Records Act to GIS-based data.  

Although Orange County prevailed in the Trial Court, and again in the Court of Appeals, the case has been accepted for final resolution by the California Supreme Court.  

I count you among the overwhelming majority of GIS professionals who support Sierra Club's lawsuit because you support unfettered access to our governments' geodata.  Now is your opportunity to influence the outcome of the case by adding your name to the GIS Community Amicus Letter (attached) that will be sent to the Court.  The letter explains several GIS technicalities to the Court and refutes misinformation proffered by Orange County.  A large preponderance of signatures will help convince the Court that OC's arguments do not represent the normal standard of GIS professional knowledge and practice.  

Please send me an email indicating your endorsement of the Amicus Letter, and I will add your name as a co-signer.  
         *       You may co-sign as an individual. 
                 Please indicate your "title" and professional affiliation for reference purposes.  (The letter makes it clear that individuals' signatures does not imply endorsement of their reference organization.)

         *       Please encourage your professional organizations to endorse this Amicus Letter as an organization.  Organizational endorsement makes a big impression!
         *       Please ask your employer to endorse as well, if appropriate.

The Amicus Letter must be sent by February 24, so please send me your endorsement as soon as you can.

With Anticipatory Thanks,


        Bruce Joffe, GISP
        Organizer, Open Data Consortium project
        c/o GIS Consultants
        902 Rose Ave.
        Piedmont, CA  94611
        GIS.Consultants at joffes.com



I have sent out Amicus endorsement requests before.  Previously:
         83 people and organizations co-signed a GIS Amicus Letter asking the Supreme Court to review this case ... and the Court agreed.
         77 people and organizations co-signed a GIS Amicus Letter asking the Court of Appeal to force Santa Clara County to provide its geodata under terms of the PRA ... and the Court agreed.  
         65 people and organizations co-signed a request to the CA Attorney General to determine whether "Parcel boundary map data maintained by a county in electronic format is subject to public inspection and copying under provisions of the California Public Records Act." ... and the AG concurred.

Our Amicus Letter might be equally successful in informing the Supreme Court.

FYI, Orange County's case is based on the so-called "software exemption" of the PRA which says "computer software includes computer mapping systems, computer programs, and computer graphics systems."   The County contends that:
1 - The County's basemap is "parcel geographic data in a GIS file format."
2 - "GIS" is defined as both software and data.
3 - "Computer mapping system" is defined as another term for GIS.
4 - "Computer mapping system" is both software and data.
5 - The County's data is a "computer mapping system" and therefore exempt.

The GIS Amicus Letter argues against these assertions.  
a) - The Legislature did not intend to include data when it exempted software.
b) - While all software operates on data, data is not an intrinsic part of GIS, nor of CMS.
c) - The structure of GIS-compatible data is necessary for a user to read the data with GIS software, therefore GIS-formatted data must be considered public record.  

Do let me know if the Amicus Letter makes this clear to a non-technical Judge.

The Sierra Club's brief to the CA Supreme Court, and Orange County's reply, can be found at  http://www.calpubrec.org/oclawsuit/appeal/index.html under "Briefing on the Merits."

The 4th District Court of Appeal's decision is a bit further down the web page at:
"The Court of Appeal denied the Sierra Club's Petition in an Opinion Filed on May 31,  <http://SCvOC%20Appeal%20Opinion%20Filestamped.htm> 2011 <http://SCvOC%20Appeal%20Opinion%20Filestamped.htm>  linked to:


David William Bitner

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