[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Victor Olaya

Free yjacolin at free.fr
Mon Jun 25 06:44:26 PDT 2012

Le lundi 25 juin 2012 15:39:50 Lluís Vicens a écrit :
> I would like to nominee to Victor Olaya, an GIS enthusiast and a
> multifaceted character. He's the creator and the main developer of the
> SEXTANTE library[1], an open-source library for spatial data analysis
> currently used by several applications such as gvSIG, QGIs, uDIG, ... He
> has been involved in open-source software development and GIS since the
> beginning of his career, focusing on spatial data analysis and
> geomorphometry. His contribution to the open source for geospatial is
> very remarkable and he is also the author of the first free book based
> on Geographic Information Systems[2].

I second this nomination!


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