[OSGeo-Discuss] Pacific Islands Chapter

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Nov 8 13:00:08 PST 2012

Excellent news Edwin!

Don't be afraid to just start with headings on your chapter wiki page:
but make sure to include the "Local Chapters" category at the bottom of
your page, so the page can be properly found/indexed (for example: see
the Atlantic Canada Chapter page, which is really at the same stage as
your chapter http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Atlantic_Canada_Chapter)


On 12-11-08 4:36 PM, Edwin Liava'a wrote:
> Hi All,
> Its been over a decade discussing open source geospatial software here
> in the Pacific Islands region and now would very much like to start a
> local chapter for the Pacific Islands to support the collaborative
> development of open source geospatial software and promote its
> widespread use here in our Region.
> For those who are interested in joining the Pacific Islands Chapter,
> you'll find a link on the local chapters initiatives
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Local_Chapters#Local_Chapter_Initiatives
> currently under development.
> Best regards,
> Edwin

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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