[OSGeo-Discuss] Happy GIS Day to all (Now - "FREE GIS Day" - not Today :-)

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 17:51:17 PST 2012

On 11/15/12, Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven at arnulf.us> wrote:

>> As I am been reading about this "GIS Day".
>> http://www.gisday.com/ http://www.gisday.com/supporters.html
>> It is ESRI Agenda :-).
>> I am thinking that  probably OSGeo could come up with another day
>> for "FREE GIS Day".
>> Noli
> Well spotted. I guess we already have it. It is tomorrow and it is the
> PostGIS day. Obviously.
> :-)
> Cheers,
> Arnulf

PostGIS Day?


So the next day after PostGIS Day would be,



uDIG Day.


It's sort of OSGeo Fiesta for GIS


Exciting week for GIS - Fiesta for GIS, Tequila, .. Oder Wurst, Beer
-und Pretzels.


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