[OSGeo-Discuss] open source geotagger

James Reid james.reid at ed.ac.uk
Fri Oct 12 05:29:56 PDT 2012

Dear list, I’m pleased to announce an initial release of some geotagging 
software we are open sourcing:


Its built over the excellent Spatialite and Exfitool and in a nutshell 
allows anyone to set up their own web service API onto the 
Exiftool+spatialite backends for the purposes of searching, editing and 
reviewing embedded metadata within digital media . It reads and writes a 
lot of file formats (courtesy of Exfitool) but also allows for some 
cloud integration (using Dropbox) as a proxy persistence layer.

An instantisable demo web site is also included. An actual operating 
instance of this can be seen here:

tagger.edina.ac.uk   and the API documentation can also be reviewed there.

Hopefully the documentation provides sufficient explanation of both the 
rationale and operational detail behind this work and will allow others 
to use it.

We'd like to hear from anyone planning on using it.

Any questions don’t hesitate - and enjoy!!


James S Reid
Geoservices, EDINA
University of Edinburgh

t:+44 (0)131 651 1383
m:0759 5116988

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