[OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-UK] Open Nottingham Awards, University of Southampton Open Source Geospatial Lab, OSGeo Live 6.0 Launch - OSGIS 2012

Jo Cook jocook at astuntechnology.com
Fri Sep 7 03:29:37 PDT 2012

I'd like to personally thank Suchith and the team at Nottingham for a
really great conference. It was a good mix of academic and non-academic,
the workshops and talks were great, the venue was lovely, and a good time
was had by all. The weather was also lovely, proving that it can be nice in
the UK in September :-)


On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Suchith Anand <
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

>  Dear All,
> Thanks to efforts of many colleagues at the University of Nottingham and
> the OSGeo UK Local Chapter we had another successful OSGIS conference this
> year. In addition to all our presenters, workshop organisers, sponsors and
> delegates, I would like to specifically thank Donna Astill, Lesley Gray,
> Jeremy Morley, Mike Jackson, Amir Pourabdollah, Corinne Cassidy,  Steve
> Moore and IT support team for Workshops, Sally Hanson  and Webcasting team,
> Catering staff,  Halls of Residence staff at UoN who all put lot of efforts
> to help make OSGIS 2012 a great success.
> The recorded webcasts of the conference will be  made available for  the
> benefit of the wider community soon at
> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/home.aspx
> *Winners of OSGIS Open Nottingham Best  Presentation awards 2012*
> “Automatically repairing polygons and planar partitions” - Ken Arroyo
> Ohori , Hugo Ledoux, Martijn Meijers (TU Delft, Netherlands)
> “Building a OS MasterMap tile service on an Open Source geostack” - Matt
> Walker (Astun Technology, UK)
> “Analysing GeoServer compatibility with INSPIRE requirements” - Andrea
> Aime, Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions, Italy)
> Well done to all winners.
> *OSGeo Live 6.0 Officially launched at OSGIS 2012*
> We also officially launched  Version 6.0 of the OSGeo-Live GIS software
> collection at OSGIS 2012. Details at  http://www.osgeo.org/node/1307
> Over 120 people have directly helped with OSGeo-Live packaging,
> documenting and translating, and thousands have been involved in building
> the packaged software. We are very thankful for the  efforts of thousands
> of volunteers who worked for the latest release of OSGeo Live 6.0
> There is whole range of excellent software (DesktopGIS,  Databases,
> Webservices etc) available free for the benefit of everyone.
> Full list of software available at
> http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html
> *University of Southampton to establish Open Source Geospatial Lab*
> Prof. David Martin who was the keynote speaker at OSGIS 2012 announced
> University of Southampton's aim for the establishment of Open Source
> Geospatial Lab  to build up research in this strategic area at the
> University of Southampton.  Onbehalf of OSGeo and ICA, we strongly welcome
> this initiative. We look forward to work with colleagues in Southampton for
> building research collaborations for the future.
> I am also in discussions with other key research universities for the
> establishment of Open Geospatial Labs and will announce more details in due
> course. Our aim is to  establish 20 new research labs in the next 3 years.
> These new research labs are strategic to  help us accelerate research
> developments in this area for the future. If your university wishes to
> establish Open Source Geospatial Lab, please contact me and i will be
> pleased to discuss details.
> We look forward for your continued support for building up Open Source,
> Open Standards, Open Data research globally and seeing you at FOSS4G 2013
> at Nottingham for building further research collaborations.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> Dr Suchith Anand
> Nottingham Geospatial Institute
> Nottingham Geospatial Building
> University of Nottingham
> Tel: (0)115 82 32750
> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~lgzwww/contacts/staffPages/SuchithAnand/Suchith%20Anand.htm
> http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cgs/research/researchareas/opensourcegeospatialresearch.aspx
> http://elogeo.nottingham.ac.uk/
> http://ica-opensource.scg.ulaval.ca/
> Leading Open Geospatial Science through ICA Commission on Open Source
> Geospatial Technologies
> Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research for
> bridging the digital divide
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***Jo Cook*
Astun Technology Ltd, The Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18
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