[OSGeo-Discuss] Sol Katz Award Nomination procedure (was Nomination for Venkatesh Raghavan)

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at osgis.nl
Tue Sep 18 08:05:24 PDT 2012

I don't want to be a PITA, but I want to bring up another point for discussion.

Is it a good idea for people from the selection committee to be nominating? That kind of defeats their "neutral" position.

Or how does the selection committee normally come to a decision? Consensus, voting, something else?

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS - http://osgis.nl

On Sep 18, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:

> On 12-09-18 11:53 AM, Richard Greenwood wrote:
>> I agree that this is the first year that nominations have been
>> publicly discussed and it is a departure from previous years. I
>> followed Jeff's lead when I nominated Chris.
>> But hey, we're an open community, I think it's even in the name
>> somewhere. And spreading a little recognition around to hard working
>> members of our community surely doesn't hurt.
> My feelings exactly.  Thanks Rich.
> -jeff
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