[OSGeo-Discuss] Sol Katz Award Nomination procedure (was Nomination for Venkatesh Raghavan)

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Sep 18 10:24:41 PDT 2012

El 18/09/2012 17:15, "Howard Butler" <hobu.inc at gmail.com> escribió:
> On Sep 18, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Richard Greenwood <
richard.greenwood at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree that this is the first year that nominations have been
> > publicly discussed and it is a departure from previous years. I
> > followed Jeff's lead when I nominated Chris.
> >
> > But hey, we're an open community, I think it's even in the name
> > somewhere. And spreading a little recognition around to hard working
> > members of our community surely doesn't hurt.
> I disagree. The history of the award has been a cloistered deliberation
of private nominations. The award is not a political exercise, or at least
it hasn't been to this point, and public nominations tip things toward the
lobbying direction. Every open source contributor wouldn't mind an award in
the field of excellence, and every contributor deserves a pat on the back
or two.
> Open nominations opens up a more than few cans of worms:
> - I won't say some stuff about a person in a public nomination that I
would in a private one. First off, I don't want to embarrass them, as some
people are embarrassed by public fawning.
> - Not every activity and action needs to be billboarded. If you look at
the list of past winners, a common trait they all share is they all have
kept their heads down and done a lot for the community as whole without
regard to recognition.
> - I might not want everyone to know who I'm nominating.
> - Are we voting on the award? Lobbying the committee? What does a public
nomination achieve other than to provide a (biased) public attaboy? There
are plenty of opportunities for those that do not have to be conflated with
a nomination process.
> The award is selected by an exclusive group of individuals, and this act
makes it an exclusive award. The Oscar or Peabody or Pulitzer of open
source GIS is much more interesting than the People's Choice. Let's keep it
that way.
> Howard


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