[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G Buenos Aires 2013

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Apr 28 05:32:03 PDT 2013

Great reports from Adrian and Carlos.

Overall a really awesome event.  Roughly 200 attendees, and most
attended the workshops.  Think back to the days of early FOSS4G, and the
passion, the sharing, and the relationships forming.  The vision of
Mauricio (chair) and the whole local committee was exactly what FOSS4G
is all about.

There's already some talk of next year's options for an event.
Wonderful news.

And I won't miss it.


PS.  I propose that Mauri be added right away to the OSGeo Conference
Committee, so when he recovers, he can share his vision with everyone.

On 2013-04-27 6:07 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> I understand that FOSS4G Buenos Aires completed last week?
> I'd encourage organisors, presenters and attendees to share their
> thoughts on how this (first?) South American FOSS4G event went.
> I'd also be interested to see metrics on where people travelled from in
> order to attend, and compare to prior foss4g events.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdEZoOUtSeVZRVWtKQzV6R2N5ekdSdlE#gid=57
> On 15/11/12 03:48, Mauricio Miranda wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm writing on behalf of the FOSS4G conference committee to be held in
>> Buenos Aires next year.
>> The event is being organized by the group "Geoinquietos Buenos Aires"
>> which is a kind of argentinian OSGeo microchapter.
>> Even though this conference is focused on the Spanish-speaking
>> community in Latin America, we would like to invite you all to join us.
>> This will be a great opportunity to share experience, projects and
>> ideas, and of course, it will also help to consolidate the FOSS4G
>> community on these ends.
>> You can get more info about the event at: http://foss4g-ba.org
>> Please, help us to promote the conference between your folks.
>> We look forward to seeing you here!
>> Thanks,
>> Mauri

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