[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America 2015 Expressions of Interest

David William Bitner david.bitner at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 08:12:00 PDT 2013

With the second FOSS4G North America in Minneapolis in the history books
and looking forward to the "Big Show" in Portland next Fall, I'd love to
start the ball rolling to drum up interest in hosting FOSS4G North America
in the Spring of 2015.

There are two parts here:

1) Who's interested? If you have a local community that you think would be
great to host, speak up! If you have questions as to what it takes, ask. If
there's a city you'd love to see take this on - start pestering them.

2) If there is competing interest, we'll need identify the selection
process/committee. We can take the easy route here and do something simple
like prior Conference & Program Chairs make up the committee, or we can try
(again) to create a more formal group for North America to handle things
like this. If you have $.02 on this - bring it up now!

I'd love to see us be able to move on this and be able to select a venue by
the end of November if possible to make sure there is ample time for
planning. Important thing right now is to start the discussion and get
folks thinking about what we need to do to make the next FOSS4G NA another
awesome event!



David William Bitner
dbSpatial LLC
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