[OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Accept all 35 Charter Member Nomination for 2013 electiona.

Ravi Kumar ravivundavalli48 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 25 01:07:32 PDT 2013

37 or 30 is what is going to decide .. election or NO election. It is a close call.
Would be happy to see all 37 on board. Those at the helm may pl give it a thought.

 From: Venkatesh Raghavan <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
To: board at lists.osgeo.org 
Cc: OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 6:15 PM
Subject: [Board] Accept all 35 Charter Member Nomination for 2013 electiona.


Many thanks for managing the Charter Member 2013 elections.
I motion to accept all 37 nominees into Charter
Membership and override the decision taken in the last board

On 2013/07/24 17:58, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> All,
> this is a minor correction, we actually have 37 potential new members!

+1 for electing all 37 new Charter Members.

> As per board motion from 2013-07-11 [1] we limit the influx of new
> member to 30. This (arbitrary) decision was taken because 30 is a
> nice compromise between 10% and one third of the number of the
> existing membership (14 and 48 new members) which are the limits as
> per our bylaws.

+1 to revise the above "arbitrary" decision. Voting would have made sense
if we have more than 48 nominations for new Charter Members.

> I propose to not have a (s)election and accept all nominees into
> Charter membership.




> I can see no reason that would justify
> excluding anybody from this great list of nominees and we are still
> well in scope of our bylaws. If you firmly believe that an election
> is crucial to our mission and goal I will duly follow your advice
> and start the elections tomorrow (2013-07-25). I am sorry that this
> is a very short notice to change something so important.
> I suggest that one of you starts a motion stating something along
> the lines of: "I motion to accept all 35 nominees into Charter
> Membership and override the decision taken in the last board
> meeting."
> Ideally we will be able to get +1 votes from all board members
> asap. In case of strong objection please answer with a veto (-1)
> immediately in which case I will take a deep breath, sigh and
> continue with the elections.
> Best regards, Arnulf
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