[OSGeo-Discuss] Make a Pledge for FOSS4G

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Jul 29 02:19:15 PDT 2013

Dear OSGeo

 It's less than fifty days until FOSS4G2013 in Nottingham. We want
people to show their support for open-source geospatial and FOSS4G
conferences by making a pledge!

 No money is required - just go to:


 and make your pledge for open source geospatial in the next year. You
don't have to be going to FOSS4G, just tell us how you plan to support
any aspect of open source geospatial in the next 12 months or so.
Check out the current pledges made by the organising committee and
some of the OSGeo-UK chapter for inspiration.

 Pledges can be anonymous, but if you leave a contact you will be
eligible for the 'best pledge' award at FOSS4G.

 All pledges are checked before publication, so there is a delay, and
don't try any blatant

 So show your support for OSGeo globally by pledging on the site!


PS Anyone caught helping Ant break his pledge to *not* overdo the beer
may be evicted from the conference centre...

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