[OSGeo-Discuss] Free Developer Slots at FOSS4G events: [was RE: FW: [Board] OSGeo Board Priorities]

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 00:46:44 PST 2013

Those are questions, which I'm aware of as well


Dne 5.3.2013 00:15, Bruce Bannerman napsal(a):
> But who would
> select these people? What would be the eligibility criteria? What process
> would be used that would allow an open and auditable selection of
> recipients? How would other hard working developers feel if they missed out
> on a free slot? What then would the impact be on the community and on the
> FOSS4G conference?

Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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