[OSGeo-Discuss] Free Developer Slots at FOSS4G events: [was RE: FW: [Board] OSGeo Board Priorities]

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 14:37:44 PST 2013

> I think we are mixing two issues here:
> * 0 fees for developers - as I pointed out, this is not a cost for the
> conference, but rather an advantage (participants are more likely to
> come if the know most top developers are present); my suggestion is
> that this should become a requirement from OSGeo

I am unlikely to attend foss4g this year either way.

Many of the developers I know can only attend conferences when their fees are covered (as a speaker or by giving a workshop). So while I am not automatically in favour of 0 fees for developers - it would have a large impact on enabling developers to attend.

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