[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham Update

andrea antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Thu May 9 23:27:11 PDT 2013

Hi Barry, Maxi,

> first of all thanks for the hard work of selecting workshops for foss4g 2013
> I would have appreciate a acceptance/rejection message with motivation for
> workshop that has not been selected..
> So that next time the proposal could be improved..

I second this.

Also I would have another wish. Is there a way to understand how the
workshops were chosen.
I see important projects missing, whereas several have kind of
"double" or even "triple" workshops.
Given the few available slots, I would have expected more differentiation.

Would be really keen to understand the process, if there is a simple
way to do so.

Thanks again for all the hard work, it is clear to everyone that it is
a big challange.

> Do you think my wish could be addressed?
> Thanks,
> Maxi
> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Barry Rowlingson
> <b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
>> I hope none of you on this list have missed any of the big news about
>> FOSS4G2013 - we're trying to ramp up the publicity and if its not
>> getting through to OSGeo-discuss list followers then we're probably
>> not getting through to enough people outside it! Catch it all by
>> following @foss4g and RT the good stuff.
>> So, two weeks ago we had our second face-to-face meeting in
>> Nottingham. The main agenda was selecting the programme from the
>> proposals we had. The process for doing this was essentially to take
>> the top 100 ranked community-rated proposals and then see which of the
>> highly committee-rated proposals had been left out. They were
>> considered and then we did another round of seeing which high
>> community-rated proposals were still left out. After consideration of
>> multiple similar papers from multiple authors and organisations we
>> were left with a program which largely reflects "the will of the
>> people" via the community vote. Massive thanks to Jeff McKenna for the
>> community vote system. Full details of the selection process will be
>> (maybe already has been) published on the OSGeo wiki.
>> The selected proposals were tagged and published:
>> http://2013.foss4g.org/provisional/
>> The Programme Team is now working hard on arranging all these talks
>> and other activities into a draft timetable. We anticipate some loss
>> due to cancellations but there should still be plenty of things to do.
>> The Workshop subcommittee also revealed their selected Workshops for
>> the pre-conference session, which will now run to two days. Beginner
>> workshops will run mainly on the first day to allow  AGI GeoComm
>> conference attendees to see the delights of Open Source options. The
>> provisional workshops are listed here:
>> http://2013.foss4g.org/provisional/workshops.html
>> Now that people mostly know what they will be getting for their money,
>> we expect registrations to rise significantly. Early bird registration
>> is open until the end of the month.
>> We announced our second diamond sponsor, The Met Office - The UK's
>> National Weather Service. They will be hosting the Hackathon on the
>> 17th/18th September.
>> The debate about what stuff to throw at delegates on arrival
>> continues. Its unlikely there will be conference bags, so bring
>> something to carry things in.
>>  We will be sorting out t-shirt designs, possibly by competition, shortly.
>> We've also now appointed a volunteer Volunteer Coordinator, Abi Page,
>> who will be helping organise the horde of dedicated volunteers crucial
>> to the success of the event.
>> The academic bursary programme was announced:
>> http://2013.foss4g.org/registration/academic-bursaries/
>> which gives exceptional students and early-career researchers
>> subsidised conference attendance, provided by EDINA's generous
>> sponsorship. There are a limited number of these bursaries, so please
>> encourage applications from your best and brightest students. Details
>> and eligibility are on the web site.
>> As usual the committee has its regular fortnightly meetings and
>> continues to see a fantastic FOSS4G conference appearing over the
>> horizon!
>> Barry
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> --
> Massimiliano Cannata
> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
> Responsabile settore Geomatica
> Istituto scienze della Terra
> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
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> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14
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> massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch
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