[OSGeo-Discuss] project not found in list

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue May 21 08:18:09 PDT 2013

On 2013-05-21 11:55 AM, Tim Bowden wrote:
> Interesting discussion.  This reminds me of when GPSbabel came knocking
> on OSGeo's door looking for a home and we didn't know how to respond;
> imho OSGeo dropped the ball on that one (maybe because it came a bit
> early in the story for us).  For me that was one of those future
> signposts in time events.
> I think OSGeo does need to find a way to be more inclusive of 'outside'
> projects that reflects OSGeo's leadership in the FOSS spatial realm.  I
> don't think that should be at the expense of the 'foundation' role for
> OSGeo projects, but there is a very real challenge there if OSGeo wants
> to rise to the challenge of being the dominant player in FOSS spatial.
> I fear the alternative is to one day wake up and discover OSGeo is 'just
> another foundation', not because anyone else has taken up the wider FOSS
> spatial advocacy role, but because we've shied away from it.

Hi Tim,

The role of advocacy and leadership in FOSS spatial is exactly what I
believe OSGeo provides.  I believe our many advocates around the world
provide this on a daily basis to their local communities.  You are
correct that we (OSGeo) will have upcoming challenges to be more
inclusive of projects/communities (as Adrian, or someone, recently
pointed out to me, in 2006 the OSGeo infrastructure made sense and was
very attractive to new projects, but is it so attractive now in 2013?
Tough question to answer, but one we must face and deal with together).


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