[OSGeo-Discuss] Feedback from FOSS4G 2013

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 15:49:57 PST 2013

Thanks to the delegates and sponsors who responded to our feedback survey after FOSS4G 2013. The responses are at http://2013.foss4g.org/Surveys/

We have also gathered a list of blog posts and comments on the event at http://2013.foss4g.org/post-event-feedback-and-comment/

The LOC have been writing up their Reflections on FOSS4G 2013 at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2013_Reflections_by_the_LOC, this is a working document and will no doubt evolve a bit over the next week or so.


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