[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo India at INCA033 Congress

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 13:30:47 PDT 2013

Hi Ravi,
Great to hear OSGeo-Live was of benefit. Could you please add an entry 
about INCA-33 on our OSGeo-Live History page. 

Keeping track of how OSGeo-Live is being used is important, as it 
provides justification for why people contribute.

On 01/10/13 21:37, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> OSGeo India had a booth at a well attended INCA-33 National Congress, 
> 19 to 21 Sept 2013.
> INCA Congress is an annual event where CAD and GIS users from Govt and 
> Private meet. There
> also is a large crowd of researchers using CAD and GIS. Pl see details 
> and photos at the link below.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User_talk:Ravivundavalli
> We are highly thankful to OSGeo Live team, for the wonderful DVDs they 
> so promptly release and are a great hit with
> researchers,
> Cheers
> Ravi Kumar
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