[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo upcoming events list needs love

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Oct 30 10:15:17 PDT 2013

Dear OSGeo Community (CC: news_item at osgeo.org),

The OSGeo upcoming events list badly needs love, it is essentially empty:


It would be great if we collectively could adopt a more proactive 
approach to keeping this list up to date.

For now, here are a few events I could think of, could 
news_item at osgeo.org please add them to the list:

- FOSS4G 2014, Portland, Sept 8-13, 2014, http://2014.foss4g.org/

- Vienna Code Sprint, March 24-28 2014, http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org/

- LocationTech Tour, Nov. 4 to 14, 2013, http://tour.locationtech.org/

- FOSS4G-Europe, summer 2014??, http://foss4g-e.org/

- FOSSGIS 2014, March 19-21, 2014, http://www.fossgis.de/

Other event organizers and community members, please forward your 
OSGeo-related events info to news_item at osgeo.org

Thanks to all

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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