[OSGeo-Discuss] 8as Jornadas de SIG Libre de Girona (Spanish FOSS4G), March 2014

Lluís Vicens lluis at sigte.udg.es
Wed Oct 9 08:01:23 PDT 2013

Dear all,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, it is a great pleasure, 
once again, to announce the celebration of the "8as Jornadas de SIG 
Libre" (Spanish FOSS4G) [1], March 26th-28th 2014.

The conference language is Spanish but English presentations and 
workshops are also accepted and welcome. If you are interested to join 
and attend the Spanish FOSS4G next March, stay tuned on the upcoming 
news via twitter (@SIGLibreGirona), Conference webpage [1], and Press 
Releases [2].

All the best,
Lluís Vicens

[1] http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/
[2] http://sigserver4.udg.edu/wiki_jornadas/index.php/Página_Principal

Lluís Vicens
Comité Organizador Local
Jornadas de SIG Libre

Sitio web:http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre
Síguenos en:https://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona


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