[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham Update

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Sep 10 04:57:00 PDT 2013

Thanks Barry, indeed this local committee has done an excellent job in
keeping the community and the Board uptodate with progress.

I also love the image of your smoky old blue Land Rover arriving: if it
wasn't for the ocean, I would drive my old black Dodge Dakota into the
EMCC car park, and you could hear the rumble as I arrive (loud exhaust
ha).  I'd park right beside your Land Rover.

Looking forward to seeing you.


On 2013-09-10 8:03 AM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> About this time next week an old blue Land Rover will roll smokily
> into the car park at the EMCC in Nottingham. I will have arrived at
> Steven instigated these update emails in order to keep the OSGeo
> community up-to-date with conference planning after the disconnect
> between the local organisation and the central OSGeo people was an
> issue for the ill-fated Beijing FOSS4G-that-never-was. I like to think
> the lack of communication from OSGeo central back to the local
> committee saying "are you doing this?" is a measure of the success of
> these updates, and of our communications strategy in general.
> To my final update. Some last minute purchasing and arrangement for
> the GeoCamp is going on. This week we should get delivery of all the
> branded items such as signage and the all-important t-shirts. Some
> last-minute programme changes are happening due to people having to
> pull out, we are arranging replacements, and the change list is on the
> web site to serve as errata from the printed programme.
> So, I hope everyone coming has a safe journey and a great conference.
> Don't forget your Robin Hood hats.
> Barry

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