[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Election Results 2013

Ian Edwards iedwards.pub at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 12:18:58 PDT 2013

I'd especially like to congratulate Jorge, Bart, Jachym and Gerald.
Looking at the list of directors I feel pleased to have such a great team
leading us and also providing strong support to Jeff at the head of our

Looking forward to catching up with you all next week,


On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
<jsanz at osgeo.org>wrote:

> Wow, thank you Arnulf and the rest of the CRO team.
> I'm so thrilled to join such a great team that I'll need some days to
> digest the responsibility. For starters, I'll go (run!) to the drinks
> pre-dinner session at the State of The Map conference.
> Special thanks to Michael and Ian. I'm sure this board will need your
> help and advice so please please, don't go too far :-)
> See you all in Nottingham!!
> --
> Jorge Sanz
> http://es.osgeo.org
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