[OSGeo-Discuss] WebCom discussions

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Sep 26 14:28:31 PDT 2013

On 09/26/2013 02:10 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>wrote:
>> On 09/26/2013 05:26 AM, Ian Edwards wrote:
>>> To make more concrete progress on the larger issues facing WebCom I'd
>> like
>>> to start some closed discussions.
>>> If you have experience with the admin of any of the OSGeo infrastructure
>>> then please join us.  We'll report back progress on the open WebCom
>> mailing
>>> list. Sensitive information about the systems will be thoroughly
>> documented
>>> and tested and will become a closed resource for the team moving
>> forwards.
>>> Please reply off list and I'll add you to the discussion.
>>> Ian
>> Webcom to my knowledge has been inactive for several years, are you the
>> new Chair? The infrastructure you refer to has all been handled by
>> members of the System Administration committee. Everything except
>> security information (passwords) is publicly on the OSGeo Wiki if
>> someone has taken the time to write it up.
> Alex,
> Webcom still notionally exists even if it is somewhat moribund.
> Ian has agreed to assist with the migration of Drupal, aspects of which
> touch on SAC.

Excellent, I think it might be best to discuss how to get it done on the
SAC list as Martin and I are the most familiar with the situation and
have roughly attempted to do this task before getting distracted by
other things (we can probably find old message thread for background).
Once it's migrated I'm happy to let Webcom figure out what they want to
change on a running site.

> I don't think it would be all that helpful for Ian to struggle with whether
> there ought to be a webcom, or if it is a SAC issue or a marketting
> committee issue.

Agreed, revamp of the drupal site just needs to happen.

> It is hopefully just about migrating Drupal and possibly doing some updates
> to the web site - particularly as needed to make things work with a newer
> drupal.

Right, I actually have someone who looked at it briefly (A drupal expert
I work with), the trouble was we didn't have all the non-standard Drupal
add-ons documented, so its hard to figure out how to keep them working
right. If we feed him the right info, I can bug him to get it done or
give us a quote if it'll cost some hours.

> That said, I'm non-plussed by this idea of "closed" discussions and use of
> some thing called basecamp.  Ian - why are closed discussions valuable
> other than the need to be protective of a few passwords?

I agree, no need for basecamp (I do know what it is). We have a wiki and
should use it.

> Best regards,
> Frank


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