[OSGeo-Discuss] Local Chapter Guidance

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 23 06:44:30 PDT 2014

2014-04-23 15:10 GMT+02:00 Phil Nugent <philip.j.nugent at gmail.com>:

> Thanks for the feedback Jeff.  Like I told MPG, there seem to be alot of
> people here interested in areas that align with OSGeo's mission and beyond
> and it would just be nice to have informal meetings offline and aside from
> work, so that's how I'll approach it.  Thanks again for your input!
Everything important is already said but maybe you can enjoy this talk I
did last year at FOSS4G Buenos Aires about OSGeo Spanish LC and the
Geoinquietos spread (kind of small city LCs). The slides are in Spanish but
Google Translate does a good enough job.


By the way, just as a side note, here in Valencia we did a full year of
geobeers before starting to meet on a more serious place (University, no
beer allowed).

Good luck!!

Jorge Sanz
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