[OSGeo-Discuss] Local Chapter Guidance

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Apr 23 04:16:01 PDT 2014

All of your initial thoughts are correct Phil, follow MPG's advice and
get something going: informal, wiki page (copy another chapter's
structure), and mailing list (file a ticket on Trac), and start meeting
once a month after work.

I do see formal Chapters in OSGeo (I notice the Japan chapter just had a
call for renewing their paid memberships), but it is really up to you
and your local community, how formal you want to get.

Most important: get together and share and have fun! :)


On 2014-04-22, 11:00 PM, Phil Nugent wrote:
> Thanks for sharing your perspective and experience Michael.  I've been
> thinking along the same lines for getting started by having an informal,
> "after hours" meeting with a talk and general discussion....and food and
> beer never hurts. ;)  I'm encouraged that I'm thinking along the same
> lines as someone who's been through it.

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