[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter member nomination- Luciene Delazari

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 01:53:35 PDT 2014

I second Luciene's nomination. I know her from ICA-OSGeo Labs and from
her mentor role in GSoC 2014. Her contribution to OSGeo educational
initiatives is invaluable.


On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:11:46 +0100
Suchith Anand <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

> It is my great pleasure to nominate  Dr Luciene Delzari (Federal
> University of Parana, Brazil) for OSGeo charter membership. 
> Dr Luciene Delazari is assistant professor in Cartography and GIS at
> the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Over the years Luciene
> taught many courses in Cartography and GIS, both at undergraduate and
> graduate level. She gave guest lectures, tutorials and courses at
> universities and conferences in many cities around Brazil. She is
> leading Cartography and GIS research at Geodetic Science Program and
> published over 20 journal papers in this field. Her research
> interests and publications are in cartographic visualisation,
> interface design for cartographic products and automated cartographic
> design.  Luciene is the cochair of the Geospatial IG of the Research
> Data Alliance https://rd-alliance.org/group/geospatial-ig.html   and
> also is coeditor for Special issue is on "Open Geospatial Science and
> Applications" of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.Her
> details are at http://people.ufpr.br/~luciene/site.htm Luciene has
> provided us huge support in our education efforts esp in establishing
> Open Source Geospatial Labs in Brazil and now is actively helping and
> supporting colleagues in other universities in Brazil and across
> South America to start Open Source Geospatial Labs in their
> universities. 
> I also had the opportunity of working with her when she visited
> Nottingham University for a one year visiting research fellowship.
> During her time at Nottingham, she actively contributed to "Geo for
> All" initiative and also helped build many collaborations in Open
> GIS. She also is supervising a Google Summer of Code student in
> schematisation plugin for QGIS . Now back in her university in
> Brazil, i am sure she will further build more momentum for OSGeo's
> education activities there.
> I believe Luciene Delzari will be an excellent OSGeo charter member
> and will help in further building up our global strength. Thanks.
> Suchith
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