[OSGeo-Discuss] Board candidate vision: Landon Blake

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 08:45:31 PDT 2014

I wanted to share some comments on what I’d like to accomplish as an OSGeo
Board Member. I have a bad habit of over committing, so I’m going to
modestly limit my list of goals to the following:

1)      Work to help private companies and businesses that support the
OSGeo software stack and other open source geospatial software. This
includes increasing awareness about the software support services made
available by these companies to customers and clients. It also includes
making it easier for these private companies to support OSGeo activities
and to receive recognition for this support.

2)      Work to further support OSGeo Labs. This includes identifying
current hold-ups in our incubation and project approval process. I want to
make it as easy as practical for projects to enter and graduate from

3)      Provide better coordination and organization of our open source
Java geospatial community. Currently GeoTools is the only Java geospatial
project in our software stack. I’d like to see greater cooperation among
the Java advocates of OSGeo. This might include joint development of some
standard libraries and packaging standards for the different platforms. I
also think there is a tremendous opportunity to develop open source
geospatial applications and libraries for Android.

4)      Organization house-keeping. This includes checking in with each
committee to determine if it is functioning and if it has the resources it
needs. Defunct committees will need a reboot. Committees that lack
sufficient volunteer support or resources should be hibernated.

However the election turns out, I hope to continue my work on the Journal
and with OSGeo Labs.


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