[OSGeo-Discuss] FW: Possible CS-W Portal Opportunity

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 12:48:38 PST 2014

Hi Paul,
I echo Bruce's sentiment, in that I suspect the you might be asking the 
wrong questions about the value of Open Sourcing.

Should you Open Source your code?
* Making code available to the Open Source community will always be 

* However, handing the code over to OSGeo (or any other volunteer 
community) and expecting the community to maintain the code is most 
likely going to result in the codebase being ignored and forgotten.

* If you wish to make sure the code continues to be maintained and 
improved, then you would be best to identify a business model for 
maintaining the code. This usually involves identifying sponsors - 
organisations who want what you have, and are prepared to pay developers 
to nurture and improve the code.

* One business model which sometimes works is for the originating 
organisation to Open Source their code, make sure the code is generic 
enough for other organisations to use, MARKET the codebase to attract 
users, sponsors and maintainers. Once other developers are helping 
maintain your codebase, you will reap the benefit of reduced maintenance 
costs. You will also avoid having to end-of-life your product in 10 
years time, when you are forced to migrate to another more successful 
Open Source product.

* I suggest you look at OSGeo's requirements for project incubation, 
which identifies core factors for successful Open Source projects. Note 
also that giving your project to OSGeo would involve taking the project 
through this incubation process, and working out the funding model to do so:


On 08/02/14 00:46, Breimyer, Paul - 0442 - MITLL wrote:
> Bruce,
> Fair question, and at this point, I'm not sure.  I don't represent DHS 
> S&T, but I'm trying to see if there's interest from OSGeo to explore a 
> tech transfer of the project to OSGeo.  Basically, the work has 
> largely been done and I'm trying to determine if the broader community 
> could benefit from it.  Given the feedback I've heard so far, I think 
> it could be valuable to have a dialog with DHS S&T and an OSGeo 
> representative to talk about what the transfer model might be (e.g., 
> the approaches you described), but I'm not sure who would be the 
> appropriate OSGeo contact.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> --------------------------------------------------
> Paul Breimyer, Ph.D.
> Technical Staff, Surveillance Systems
> MIT Lincoln Laboratory
> (781) 981-0923 (work)
> (781) 879-8675 (cell)
> paul.breimyer at ll.mit.edu <mailto:pbreimyer at ll.mit.edu>
> *From:*Bruce Bannerman [mailto:bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 06, 2014 5:47 PM
> *To:* Breimyer, Paul - 0442 - MITLL; discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* Fwd: FW: [OSGeo-Discuss] Possible CS-W Portal Opportunity
> Paul,
> I noted your last paragraph below, which does ring alarm bells for me.
> What is the intent of this approach? Is it:
>   * To potentially launch a piece of software as an open source
>     project that DHS S&T will sponsor and support through the
>     incubation process until the project becomes self sustaining; or
>   * To declare some software that DHS S&T has developed as open source
>     with a view for OSGeo, or some other party, to pick it up, sponsor
>     and support it through the incubation process, with DHS S&T hoping
>     to get the software maintained by others with little or no
>     involvement by DHS S&T.
> I'm unclear of the intent behind the approach from your email.
> I suspect that you would receive a more favourable response if it was 
> the first option above. You may even find that an existing project 
> that works in this space may pick up the software if it is appropriate 
> for their long term road map.
> Bruce
> *Subject: *Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Possible CS-W Portal Opportunity
>     <snip>
>     There may be an opportunity to completely open source the system,
>     which would require some additional development to fully support
>     the CS-W interface.  Based upon the responses I've received so far
>     (thanks again), it seems like there may be some interest, but I
>     think DHS S&T may need a stronger expression of interest from
>     OSGeo to move forward. If there's interest, I could try to
>     schedule a webex meeting to show the system.
>     </snip>
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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