[OSGeo-Discuss] #Italy4INSPIRE - "We want Italy in the INSPIRE Registry"

Margherita Di Leo dileomargherita at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 00:30:44 PST 2014

Dear all,
yesterday more than 60 Italian individuals and organisations from both
public and private sectors (listed at the bottom of this message) have
published on blogs and websites a simple question to the Italian INSPIRE
National Contact Point:

"*Why the CSW service exposed by the Repertorio Nazionale Dati Territoriali
(RNDT) has not been yet registered as one of the Italian endpoints in

The goal is to have (asap) at least one endpoint registered in the INSPIRE
At the moment, indeed, Italy hasn't yet registered any endpoints:

The original text (in Italian) has already been published on the following

   - http://blog.spaziogis.it/
   - http://www.massimozotti.it/
   - http://blog.planetek.it/
   - http://geo-solutions.blogspot.it/
   - http://jgrasstechtips.blogspot.it/
   - http://ilsarrett.wordpress.com/
   - http://www.kartoblog.it/

   - http://planetgis.it/feeds?display=default
   - http://aborruso.github.io/it4insp/

*Rationale of the initiative:*
>From the legal point of view, both the transposition of the INSPIRE
Directive (Legislative Decree 32/2010) and the "Codice dell’Amministrazione
Digitale" defined the RNDT is the national reference in this context :
"*The national repertoire of spatial data, [... ] is the national catalog
of metadata for spatial data sets*" (Legislative Decree 32/2010, Article 5).
(as also described here: http://www.minambiente.it/pagina/inspire).

Moreover, from a technical and operational point of view, the tests carried
out in July 2013 and January 2014 by the Joint Research Centre of the
European Commission (upon request of the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale)
have shown that the CSW service and almost all of the metadata harvested
are fully compliant to the provisions of Regulations 1205/2008 (metadata)
and 976/2009 (network services) of the European Commission, as well as the
related Technical Guidelines.

Notably the test performed in January 2014 reported 4412 metadata "passed"
and 412 "passed with warnings" out of a total of 5540 "harvested" metadata
(the total available metadata in the RNDT are 6143) .
The level of compliance to INSPIRE is almost complete for the metadata
related to data (*4415 out of 4462*) .
The full report is available at this address :

Here below the list of signatories:

   - Associazione Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Giovanni Allegri
   - Roberto Angeletti, ExportToCanoma  blog
   - Domenico Sergio Antonacci
   - Andrea Antonello
   - Fulvio Ananasso, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Associazione Stati Generali dell’Innovazione
   - Associazione italiana per l’informazione geografica libera - GFOSS.it
   - Ugo Bonelli, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Andrea Borruso
   - Stefano Campus
   - Giovanni Ciardi
   - Piergiorgio Cipriano
   - Bruno Conte, Stati generali dell’innovazione, Social4Social
   - Simone Cortesi
   - Laura Criscuolo
   - Antonio D'Argenio, Nadir
   - Margherita Di Leo
   - Alessio Di Lorenzo
   - Gianfranco Di Pietro, Geofunction
   - Leonardo Donnaloia
   - Antonio Falciano
   - Sergio Farruggia, Stati Generali dell’Innovazione, AMFM GIS Italia
   - Daniela Ferrari
   - Maurizio Foderà, Kartoblog
   - Marco Fratoddi, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Antonio Fregoli, MNDAssociation
   - Cesare Gerbino
   - Pietro Blu Giandonato
   - Simone Giannecchini
   - Nicola Guarino, ISTC-CNR
   - Giuseppe Iacono, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Carlo Infante, Stati generali dell'innovazione, Urban Experience
   - Viviana Lanza
   - Andrea Latino, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Simone Lella
   - Walter Lorenzetti, gis3w
   - Davide Mangraviti
   - Jody Marca
   - Flavia Marzano, Stati Generali dell'Innovazione e Rete WISTER
   - Giacomo Martirano, Epsilon Italia, coordinatore progetto smeSpire
   - Stefania Morrone, Epsilon Italia
   - Beniamino Murgante, Università degli Studi della Basilicata e AMFM GIS
   - Lorenzo Orlando, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Alessandro Oggioni
   - Mariella Pappalepore, Planetek Italia
   - Stefano Parodi, GeoWebLog
   - Fabrizio Pieri
   - Lorenzo Perone
   - Emma Pietrafesa, Stati generali dell’innovazione (Rete WISTER)
   - Renzo Provedel, Stati generali dell’innovazione, SOSLOG
   - Angelo Quaglia
   - Morena Ragone, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Regione Emilia-Romagna
   - Paolo Russo, Stati generali dell'innovazione
   - Alessandro Sarretta
   - Patrizia Saggini
   - Monica Sebillo, AMFM GIS Italia
   - Gian Bartolomeo Siletto
   - Claudia Spinnato, Consorzio TICONZERO
   - Lorenzino Vaccari, Provincia Autonoma Trento
   - Franco Vico, AMFM GIS Italia
   - Fabio Vinci, Epsilon Italia
   - Massimo Zotti

Best regards,

Dr. Margherita DI LEO
Scientific / technical project officer

European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261

Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
margherita.di-leo at jrc.ec.europa.eu

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission.
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