[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2014 Call for Papers/Presentations/Workshops

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Tue Feb 18 12:25:44 PST 2014

FOSS4G (https://2014.foss4g.org/) (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) is pleased to invite proposals for workshops, papers, and presentations for its 2014 conference to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA from September 8th to 13th.

The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering for all those currently or potentially working with open source geospatial software. It brings together a mix of developers, users, decision makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation for six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation.

** Conference Dates

Sep 8th-9th: Workshops
Sep 10th-12th: Main Conference
Sep 13th: Code Sprint

For more information or to keep up to date on news from FOSS4G 2014, follow @foss4g (https://twitter.com/foss4g) on Twitter, subscribe to our announcements list (http://eepurl.com/N5Q6X) , or contact: foss4g2014-info at osgeo.org.

** Call for Presentations

Deadline: April 15th

For complete details, see our Regular Session CFP (https://2014.foss4g.org/cfp/) page, or jump right to the submission page. (https://2014.foss4g.org/submit-presentation/)

Presentations may cover any aspect of the development and use of open source geospatial software. For 2014, the committee plans to include tracks focused on end-users, and presentations addressing them are especially appreciated.

Presentations will be allotted 25 minutes, though longer slots may be made available to outstanding submissions. You may submit more than one proposal.

After the deadline there will be a community voting mechanism to help select the final program. We expect to accept around 225 presentations out of an anticipated 400 submissions.

** Call for Papers (Academic Track)

Deadline: April 15th
For complete details, see the Academic Track CFP (https://2014.foss4g.org/academic-track-cfp/) .

We invite academics and researchers to submit full papers in English, of maximum 6,000 words.

Your contributions will be reviewed (double-blind) by a committee of geospatial experts, who will assess the papers on originality and academic rigour, as well as interest for the wider FOSS4G community.

We expect to select 20-25 papers for presentation and publication. From this selection, as many as 8-10 papers will be published in a special issue of the renowned international journal Transactions in GIS. The remaining papers are planned to be published in the online OSGeo Journal.

** Call for Workshops

Deadline: March 15th

For complete details, see our Workshop Proposals (https://2014.foss4g.org/workshop-proposals/) page.

Workshops are half or full-day hands-on experiences with participants following along with an instructor and working directly with the application(s) under discussion.

Workshops are a very popular part of FOSS4G, and demand always outstrips supply.

We are looking for dynamic instructors on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to:

* End-user focused introductions to FOSS4G software
* Software frameworks for developers
* Interoperability / Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Integration between open and closed source solutions
* Free and open geospatial data
* Performance tuning


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