[OSGeo-Discuss] Board meeting 2014-07-17: minutes

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 03:42:53 PDT 2014

Hello all,

here are the minutes and logs of yesterday's Board meeting:
(Minutes and motions are yet unapproved.)

There has been discussion over elections 2014, strategic funding, OSGeo
and Europe, and finally OSGeo's business model.

My comment is that this has been one of the (few) meetings where there
was less of the usual large consensus.
Therefore I feel important to get thoughts from OSGeo members other
than the current Board, as it is already happening in last emails. At
the moment we have no better way to collect opinions and comments
besides mailing lists and in-person discussions, that are notoriously
difficult to summarise. (A wiki page is good to summarise, but not to
discuss.) Nevertheless, I encourage members to speak up on these
important topics.

Best regards,

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