[OSGeo-Discuss] Funded projects using FOSS4G tools with respect to water management

Mauricio Miranda mmiranda at osgeo.org
Wed Jul 23 06:25:10 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

I've been invited to the 15th Water Web Summit [1] as an OSGeo
representative to talk about FOSS4G projects related to water management.

I'll talk about OSGeo and local communities, and I would like to show some
successful use cases.

I have been googling a lot and also asked help to Jeff and Jorge. However,
I want to be sure I won't miss any important project.

So... my question is: Do you know about a water project using FOSS4G I
shouldn't miss in my presentation?



[1] http://waterwebconsortium.com/wis15/
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