[OSGeo-Discuss] Membership fee (was: Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members)

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Jun 24 05:02:32 PDT 2014

El 24/06/14 13:26, Mateusz Łoskot escribió:
>> The problem I think is that we are talking about the membership, about
>> putting money as a requirement, instead of recognition being elected by
>> your peers.
> Right, that is something, an actual topic that we can discuss about.
> IMHO, simple "Donate" button does not really provoke a deeper reflection
> that would potentially lead to concious decision "Yes, I want to donate".
> That is because there "Donate" button these days work like
> JustGiving.com calls from friends on social networks...
> one would have to be a billionaire to be able to donate everyone!
> So, my understanding is that we are considering to add
> for-fee membership as a form of regular donation that also allows
> us to predict cash flow and budget.
> I would suggest to stop thinking of such paid OSGeo membership
> in terms of memberships to other professional organisations like
> AGI, AAG, etc. Those are not even remotely linked to OSGeo.
> Would we ever prevent anyone from attending the OSGeo AGM
> if she has not paid a membership?
> Would we ever consider paid OSGeo AGM?
> Shortly, I see nothing wrong in expecting as an organisation
> that if an individual aims and agrees to be nominated for
> OSGeo Charter Member she/he also agrees to donate on yearly/monthly basis.

Yes but I see that as different things, one is being nominated and
elected as member, and other being an active sponsor of the
organization. They are complementary, some people want to be involved on
the organization donating time, others maybe just want to donate funds,
and finally some crazy people both :-)

But when it comes on deciding who is on the board or any other important
issue, I prefer having a membership that has been in one way or the
other elected by the community, not one that has paid their annual fee.

>> Ha! Not exactly that, but maybe doing better outreach effort to show
>> where the money is used would help to a better understanding of the need
>> of funds.
>> Budgets are published and anyone willing to ask can reach them, but
>> maybe being more proactive on showing the need for money could help to
>> increase the perception that maintaining OSGeo is not free (as free beer).
> Yes, but that is more a technical issue. So, it's the easiest one to
> solve, I think.

It's not important now but anyway I didn't explain well myself. I see it
as an organizational and marketing issue. As our treasurer, the task of
publicly remembering where the money comes and goes is probably one of
most ungrateful jobs anyone can have here, only for a tireless special one.

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

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