[OSGeo-Discuss] Voting process (Re: OSGeo Membership and/or upcoming elections)

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri May 16 06:22:24 PDT 2014

On 14-05-16 9:16 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> Opina would allow secret voting (with personalized links for every
> member from an invitation mail automatically sent by the system). The
> only problem is our way of voting with "I have 5 votes that can use all
> with the same candidate", but that can be skipped easily.

Oh, very good point about the 5 votes. I don't know if other systems 
such as SympliVoting would support that either. That will have to be 
investigated I guess, or the process changed.

If Opina does the trick and allows secure voting then I'm all for it.

> Yes, that was my impression also. SurveyMonkey is 25$/month or so and a
> well known solution, very similar to Opina.

What I saw of SurveyMonkey required some post-processing and did expose 
the individual votes, so unless there are some new features I'm not 
aware of I would prefer to pay a few more dollars for a system that is 
geared for secure voting.

Once again, if Opina does it then great.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
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