[OSGeo-Discuss] [was:Php map framework] Setting up a Simple Web Map

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri May 16 13:07:00 PDT 2014


Yes - Geomoose is one possible option to solve your need.

For your use case I would suggest you just pay a mapping service
initially to run the map for you. 2 super common options built largely
on FOSS4G tools are:
CartoDB.com and Mapbox.com

If you want to try it your own, download a copy of OSGeo-Live, most if
not all of your options for building your own with open source solutions
are installed and ready to test. Geomoose is installed, so you can try
it for yourself.

Last since your in Sacramento, you could also contract for some help
locally. Selfish plug for something I helped start:

There are plenty of other possible vendors.


On 05/16/2014 12:51 PM, Michael Jones wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I am new to the list and the world of Internet mapping.  My name is Michael
> and i run a non-profit on sustainability out of Sacramento CA.  I work with
> The Environmental council of Sacramento(ECoS) on their earth day event.  It
> is the longest running earth day event in Sacramento.  I sit on the council
> that over sees the event.  I am helping to implement an interactive map of
> the event site to aid in the ease of vendors locations prior and day of
> event.  I checked out Daniel M. recommendation of geomoose.  Thanx Daniel.
> From what i can tell it looks like it is just what we are looking for.  My
> questions are as follows:
> 1.  Is it easy to set-up on a server/website?  such as a word press site?
> 2.  Is it user friendly.  the folks that would be dealing with this in real
> time are not very tech savvy so i am looking for something that is easy to
> use and update...example as new vendors come aboard is it easy to add them
> to the map for someone with out tech exp??
> I do have a long history with computers and have the skill but i have never
> used Gis mapping before so there would be a learning curve.  plus i do not
> have the time to put into learning how to create and or code a map such as
> this.
> 3.  Is geomoose something that would be a recommendation for a simple
> mapping software.
> thank you all for all that you do.
> Michael
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 5:37 AM, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com
>> wrote:
>> Another one that comes to mind is GeoMoose: http://www.geomoose.org/
>> My opinion is that the last thing the world needs is another "PHP
>> framework for <name_your_feature_here>"... it seems that there are already
>> some for everything one can imagine, they may just be a bit hard to find
>> sometimes.
>> Daniel
>> On 14-05-16 3:58 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Looking at http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html
>>> there are 2 PHP applications in there: Mapbender and Cartaro.
>>> On 05/16/2014 10:28 AM, Uggla Henrik wrote:
>>>> I've just started to write a php framework to make it easier to setup
>>>> web maps/applications (using Openlayers, Leaflet, or whatever) on a
>>>> server. Does anyone know if there is something similar already out there?
>>>> /HU


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