[OSGeo-Discuss] Short codes for locations

Doug Rinckes drinckes at google.com
Wed Nov 5 23:10:05 PST 2014

Thanks Jody, I got it. We followed up off list.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>

> You are not reaching Doug, you are reaching a general discussion list for
> the Open Source GeoSpatial Foundation (http://www.osgeo.org).
> I am sure "Doug" was offering you a mailing list of folks with a similar
> interest, rather than a group who could respond to your questions.
> Jody Garnett
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Steve Swazee <sdswazee at sharedgeo.org>
> wrote:
>> Doug,
>> As a point of introduction, I serve as Executive Director of a Minnesota
>> based nonprofit which has great interest in the topic you offered for
>> consideration.  Your posting to the OSGeo discuss list was forwarded to me.
>> Before I respond, please expand your background information to include
>> the following:
>> Was any part of your proposed concept developed during hours worked at
>> Google?
>> You use the plural in describing who is offering this idea:  Who exactly
>> is part of your team?  When you say “we’re”, are you referring to Google in
>> general, or specific individuals?
>> Have you discussed your concept with Google’s Crisis Response Team?
>> Exactly what advantages does your proposed system have over the Military
>> Grid Reference System?
>> Answers to those questions will be helpful in providing a meaningful
>> response to your idea.
>> Thank you very much.
>> Best Regards,
>> Steve Swazee
>> www.sharedgeo.org
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