[OSGeo-Discuss] 2015 OSGeo Code Sprint in Philadelphia - Feb 9 - 13

Robert Cheetham cheetham at azavea.com
Fri Nov 28 03:13:12 PST 2014

OSGeo Developers,

We've managed to nail down a venue and reserve a hotel block for the 2015
OSGeo Code Sprint.  Sprinters are invited to make travel plans for a 4-day
code sprint that will occur Feb 9 - 13.

We will have a social *get-together on the evening of Mon, Feb 9* with the
code sprint beginning in earnest on *Tues, Feb 10* and running through *Fri,
Feb 13*.

*Hotel *- We have reserved a *block of hotel rooms* at the Loews Hotel for
$ 149/night - a great rate in a nice hotel that occupies an historic tower
in downtown Philadelphia.  Booking information is available at:

*Venue *- We are currently planning to hold the code sprint at the
downtown Friends
Center <http://www.friendscentercorp.org/>, a conference facility operated
by the Quakers (Philadelphia was founded by Quakers, and the "Society of
Friends" continues to be an important part of the local community).  The
Friends Center is located at 1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA  19102.

*Flights - *Philadelphia (PHL) is a hub for American/US Air and has a good
number of international carriers with direct flights, including Air Canada,
Air France, Lufthansa, British Air and Qatar Airways.  Other regional
options include Newark Airport (EWR), which has a rail link to the Newark
Airport train station, which is about a 50 min train ride to Philadelphia
30th St Station.  Newark airport has a broad range of international
flights, including Porter Airlines from Toronto.

*Rail *- Philadelphia is about 2hrs from Washington DC and 1hr 15min from
New York Penn Station by Amtrak rail.

As I've mentioned in previous emails, I think this might be a good
opportunity for folks in the OSGeo and LocationTech communities to meet and
work on areas of common interest.  The Eclipse Foundation's LocationTech
<http://www.locationtech.org/> projects include:  JTS, uDig, GeoTrellis,
GeoMesa, Geogig, and GeoJini. I did not receive significant push-back when
I raised this question in August, so I'm going to proceed under this
assumption that LocationTech projects will also be invited as well as seek
sponsorship support from LocationTech.

We're looking forward to welcoming you all to Philadelphia in February.



Robert Cheetham

Azavea  |  340 N 12th St, Ste 402, Philadelphia, PA
cheetham at azavea.com  | T 215.701.7713
Web azavea.com <http://www.azavea.com/>  |  Blog azavea.com/blogs  |
Twitter @ <http://goog_858212415>rcheetham <http://twitter.com/rcheetham>
 and @azavea <http://twitter.com/azavea>

*Azavea is a B Corporation <http://www.bcorporation.net/what-are-b-corps> -
we apply geospatial technology for civic and social impact*
*while advancing the state-of-the-art through research. Join us

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Robert Cheetham <cheetham at azavea.com>

> OSGeo Developers,
> At this year's code sprint in Vienna, Azavea was asked to consider
> reviving our proposal to host a code sprint in Philadelphia.  We've done
> some research on venues and have a couple of possibilities.  I've revised
> our 2014 proposal and now have a 2015 proposal page up at
> *http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Code_Sprint_2015
> <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Code_Sprint_2015>*
> While Azavea could potentially host a smaller sprint (up to 40) in our
> office, we'd like to anticipate the kind of crowd that attended this year's
> code sprint in Vienna.
> I would also like to propose that we consider expanding the scope by
> inviting both OSGeo and the Eclipse Foundation's LocationTech
> <http://www.locationtech.org/> projects (JTS, uDig, GeoTrellis, GeoMesa,
> Geogig, GeoJini, etc.).  There are several developers that work on both
> OSGeo and LocationTech projects, and we think this would be an opportunity
> for people to work together.  That said, this would also likely require a
> larger venue and there are likely other considerations before pursuing this
> idea.
> I'm interested in your feedback.  I'd like to potentially book a block of
> hotel rooms as well as settle on some dates.
> Best,
> Robert
> ------------------
> Robert Cheetham
> Azavea  |  340 N 12th St, Ste 402, Philadelphia, PA
> cheetham at azavea.com  | T 215.701.7713  | F 215.925.2663
> Web azavea.com <http://www.azavea.com/>  |  Blog azavea.com/blogs  |
> Twitter @ <http://goog_858212415>rcheetham <http://twitter.com/rcheetham>
>  and @azavea <http://twitter.com/azavea>
> *Azavea is a B Corporation <http://www.bcorporation.net/what-are-b-corps>
> - we apply geospatial technology to create better communities *
> *while advancing the state-of-the-art through research. Join us in
> creating a better world.*
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