[OSGeo-Discuss] Announcing 3rd Hungarian speeking FOSS4G community meeting

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Oct 2 12:30:51 PDT 2014

Thanks Zoltan, from what I can read you have a great lineup of talks 
(GeoForAll, OSM, QGIS, PostGIS), wonderful.

And congratulations on your Charter Membership :)

Your friend from afar,


On 2014-10-02 4:21 PM, Siki Zoltan wrote:
> Dear All,
> the 3rd Hungarian speeking FOSS4G community meeting will be held on the
> 21st of November 2014 at the Budapest University ot Technology and
> Economics. There will be presentations, discussions and workshops in a
> nutshell (one hour) on the one day event.
> The (Hungarian only) web page of the event can be found here:
> http://www.agt.bme.hu/gis/workshop3
> Best regards,
> Zoltan
> organizer of the event

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