[OSGeo-Discuss] inspire and GeoSpatial World Forum

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Oct 3 07:57:37 PDT 2014

Hi Paul,

I've sort of been watching GWF stuff from afar these last few years, and 
I feel it's very important to get our message out at events like this. 
I think people like yourself and Arnulf have done great work at GWF, 
connecting to others in the ecosystem.  I'm a +1 for having a strong 
OSGeo presence at the 2015 event.  What do you see as the next steps?


On 2014-10-03 4:15 AM, Paul van Genuchten wrote:
> Hi, this year Inspire and GWF joined forces in organising a combined
> conference 25-29 may 2014 in Lisbon
> http://www.geospatialworldforum.org. In previous years of GWF we used to
> organize an OSGeo track (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, not sure about Geneva).
> Should some of us put some energy in setting up such a track for the
> coming conference, or alternatives like a booth/strategic partner?
> So why do GWF and INSPIRE hang out together? I have no clue... But it
> might be a combination of I know INSPIRE wants to share their concepts
> globally (they have some initiatives in Latin America), they might have
> seen GWF as a facilitator. Another reason might be that organizing such
> a big event is quite a challenge for local universities that did this in
> recent years. Hooking up with a commercial organisation like GWF can
> facilitate continuation of the event. For GWF I see a benefit of having
> a big audience increase, with meaningful items to discuss.
> As organizer of 2013 osgeo track at GWF my evaluation back then was not
> all that positive. It certainly was good people saw the osgeo logo on
> the program, but I doubted if the conference had a proper audience for
> osgeo-message. However, now with combined INSPIRE community, the
> atmosphere should be quite different.
> Would be good to hear your thoughts on this. And see if we can set up
> some great OSGeo presence at the conference.
> Note (for those interested) the dead-line for abstract submission is
> january first 2015.

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